Rosa Parks’ story lives on at Daily Elementary


Urana McCauley shares the inspiration of her aunt’s bravery

History came alive Wednesday for about 400 students at Daily ES as part of Black History Month as the niece of Civil Rights activist Rosa Parks told the story of her aunt’s legendary stand against segregation.

Urana McCauley described how in December 1955, in Montgomery, Ala., Parks refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus for a white passenger. This act of defiance and her subsequent activism made her a symbol of the landmark Civil Rights movement.

Rosa Parks was a regular person who felt a change needed to happen, McCauley said, and if her story can inspire just one child to do the right thing, to work with others and be courageous, her legacy will live on.

“Because she was my aunt, she was the person who would make your lunch with a glass of lemonade, I never realized the importance of what she had done until I became an adult,” said McCauley. “Just hearing her stories molded me in a way to try to always do what’s right, and always helping others, and that’s just who she was. My aunt was very humble. She was quiet, yet she was a stern and courageous woman.”

from News Blog


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