Road Rager Tries to Knock Motorcyclist Off His Ride *VOLUME*
A motorcyclist riding in the outskirts of Melbourne (Victoria, Australia) almost became a fatality when a motorist tried to knock him off his motorcycle. In Australia, the left lane is for slower vehicles and the right lane is used for passing. Both the rider and vehicle in front (right lane) were traveling at the speed limit. A speeding vehicle behind has suddenly cut to the right lane and passed the rider, before cutting back into the left lane with little distance between the vehicle and his bike. The rider sounded his horn and raised a hand to indicate he thought the road behavior was inappropriate. The driver then brake-checked the motorcyclist, who took evasive action. The driver speeds up from behind and suddenly veered further right to intentionally knock the rider off his mount, missing him by inches. TheEvilPenguin /
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