Weinstein accused of sex trafficking

555 Disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is back in the news after a British actress filed a suit in a New York court against both Harvey and Bob Weinstein, accusing Harvey of sex trafficking. Kadian Noble alleges Weinstein summoned her to his hotel room in the luxurious Majestic Hotel at the Cannes Film Festival in 2014 to talk about a role. Once inside the hotel room, Weinstein began massaging her shoulders, asking her to walk up and down the room for him "for audition purposes". He then allegedly pushed her into a bathroom and sexually assaulted her. Noble's allegations join those made against Weinstein by over 80 woman since the New York Times posted its detailed expos'e in October. Weinstein now faces several lawsuits and is under investigation by police in both the US and Great Britain.

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