LAPD dashcam, bodycam footage shows chase before Trader Joe's standoff

555 Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore said this morning, 27-year-old Melyda Corado was killed Saturday afternoon during the Trader Joe's hostage standoff by a bullet from a Los Angeles Police Dept. (LAPD) officer. Michel made the announcement at a 8:00 a.m. press conference at LAPD headquarters in downtown Los Angeles. "I am sorry for the loss," he said. "My deepest concerns and sympathy to [Corado's] family and everyone that knew her. It is every officer's worst nightmare. . . the officers [involved] are devastated that a person died during their efforts to stop [suspect Gene] Atkins." During the news conference, Moore played three body cam and dash cam videos showing the pursuit from different vantage points inside one officer's patrol car. The video shows the patrol car screech to a stop. Then the video shows both officers exiting the patrol car, at which time they began shooting at Atkins who was running into the store after the car he was driving hit a utility pole immediately outside the grocery store on Hyperion Avenue. According to Moore, at the same time, Corado, who was a Trader Joe's store manager, was running toward the store's front door and was subsequently hit in the arm by one of the officer's bullets. Moore said, the bullet then penetrated Corado's body, killing her. She was pronounced dead later at the scene. Additionally, per Moore, Atkins will be arraigned later today one one count of murder, six attempted murder charges and 13 charges of false imprisonment. Atkins, Moore said, is now being held on $9 million bail. Additionally, according to Moore, Atkins' grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Madison, 76, whom police say he shot seven times at the home he shared with her in South Los Angeles before the hostage standoff at Trader Joe's, remains in critical condition. According to Moore, fuller body and dash cam video of the incident will be released later this morning.

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