Kid gets a electric shock while on top of a bridge

555 In Kaliningrad, a 15-year-old boy after an electric shock fell from the bridge to the railway. This Friday, August 24, "Novy Kaliningrad" was informed in the press service of the Investigative Committee on transport in the North-West Federal District. The incident occurred near the streets of Suvorov-Zheleznodorozhnaya. The teenager was in the company of three minor friends. On the technological ladder, he climbed the arch of the railway overpass. After that, the teenager approached the contact network and, to climb through under it, grabbed her hands. As a result of electric shock, he lost consciousness and fell down on the railway track. The doctors recorded a closed craniocerebral injury and a fracture of the basement of the base of the cranial vault. Now the victim is in intensive care at the city clinical hospital for emergency medical care. His condition is of moderate severity.

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